Charm City Meadworks June 16, 2019 Part 1
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I was surprised and very pleased to recently learn that Baltimore has its own mead maker. Mead is an alcoholic beverage made from fermenting honey. Check this wikipedia article for more info. I made a visit on Father’s Day to Charm City Meadworks, located at 400 E Biddle St., Baltimore, MD, 21202 . They reside in a building that is angled from the road in an unusual way. follows the path of the Jones Falls River before it was diverted and buried into a system called The Conduit in 1914. The building was constructed in 1924 as a postal service garage and was in active use until the 1960s. In the open space this provides is some picnic tables upon an inviting green lawn.

Going inside a visitor is greeted first by the taproom which has seating and tables plus the sales area in a large open area which also includes their production and warehouse. It reminded me a bit of the Baltimore Spirits Company which I visited last month.

In this area is 6 fermentation tanks, the largest is 1,140 gallons, the next three are 1,000 gallons and the smallest are 250 gallons.

Here Marshall Lilly is showing me one of the kegs and the containers in which they age their meads.

That is a lot of mead being aged!

These casks are also used to mature their meads. I noticed the Sagamore Spirit label on some of them, another Baltimore business!

This machine can label up to 30 cans a minute!

In the photo above is a container of 3,200 pounds of their secret sauce! Wildflower honey. Depending on the time of year and what is being produced Charm City Meadworks consumes about two of these containers a week in the production of their products.

Check out the great mountain of cans ready to be delivered!

Keep an eye out for this truck and you’ll see another delivery being made of their tasty products! Continue reading on page 2!
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