Emanuele S Comes to Baltimore January 6, 2019
This 164x23m (538.06×75.46ft) chemical/oil tanker is owned, according to BalticShipping.com, by Mega Chemicals Schiffahrt of Zurich, Switzerland. Their website appears to be inactive and they may be in liquidation so this tanker may have a new owner. Clear Visions is a possibility as their cover video shows a tanker that is identical to my eyes to the Emanuele S. She was built in 2007 by Qingshan Shipyard (their website also isn’t functioning at the time of this writing) in Wuhan, China.
In the video below (my first ship of 2019) watch for the pilot boat and tug boat. In the final scene she has turned so the sun has lit her up nicely and you can see the interesting pipework on deck as well as the rusty character she has grown as well as the crew preparing for docking. Also note she has a stern anchor. For best results watch in FULL SCREEN. You may need to watch for 20+ seconds before full resolution kicks in.
I also saw the Carnival Pride come in this day (blog of a previous arrival of this ship).

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