HC Bea Luna Comes to BaltimoreNovember 25, 2018
At 129x15m (423.23×49.21ft) according to BalticShipping.com, this general cargo ship just beats out the Onego Merchant as the smallest ship I have seen in Baltimore, Maryland so far. Built in 2000 by Damen Shipyard (check out their movie quality corporate commercial on their YouTube channel!) in Galati, Romainia she is owned by IMM Shipping Management based in Ahrensburg, Germany. As you watch the video of this attractively blue, grey, and white painted ship come in compare the pilot boat’s size against this ship with ships in my other videos. In the scene in which she passes nearest watch for a biplane in the distance which I believe is out of Martin State Airport. For best results watch in FULL SCREEN. You may need to watch for 20+ seconds before full resolution kicks in.
Watch a video of all the ships I saw this day here.

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