Pride of Baltimore II Season Debut March 27, 2021

After a year of being under cover (See my October 31, 2020 blog entry on that) due to the COVID-19 pandemic this tallship awoke from her slumber and stretched out in grand fashion. Following her visit to Annapolis, Maryland for Maryland Day she sailed into Baltimore, Maryland for her season debut.

9193-1 Tallship Pride of Baltimore II

As the Pride of Baltimore (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube) came into view I felt a stir of optimism that 2021 will be a better year.

9234-1 Tallship Pride of Baltimore II

Be sure to keep tabs on their event schedule page. At the current moment only 3 events are listed but more are expected to come.

9301-1 Tallship Pride of Baltimore II

In 2020 the Pride of Baltimore and the National Park Service announced a partnership that will enhance visitor experience at some Chesapeake Bay ports along the Star-Spangled Banner National Historic Trail.

9341-1 Tallship Pride of Baltimore II

I look forward to seeing more of this beautiful ship in the coming months! Also check out my 10 minute video below. Towards the end the crew can be seen taking down the sails in preparation for docking in Fells Point.

You can view my photography (more than just ships!) here and more videos here.