Sluisgracht Comes to Baltimore March 15, 2019
This 172x25m (564.3×82.02ft) general cargo ship was built in was built in 2001 by Stocznia Szczecinska Nowa SP Z OO in Szczecin, Poland (bankrupt as of 2011). She is owned by spliethoff and is one of their S-Type ships. They have provided a handy datasheet on her which can be viewed here. This is the fourth spliethoff ship I have seen around Baltimore. The others are Dynamogracht (September 11, 2018), Spuigracht (November 12, 2018), and Stadiongracht (March 13, 2019).
In the video below you will see she arrived on the evening of an overcast day carrying blue spliethoff containers and several boats. She was greeted by the pilot boat Maryland. For best results watch in FULL SCREEN. You may need to watch for 20+ seconds before full resolution kicks in.
I also saw the vehicles carrier Paradise Ace on this day.

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